United States: New studies suggest that there is no ‘safe’ level when it comes to cancer as the authorities have long suggested. Experts reveal new facts that can change your perception of what you consume.
A lot of folks believe a couple of glasses or a glass or two could not do much harm.
“I’ll only consume good beer during the weekends, Friday and Saturdays,” said Robert Frank of Panorama City.
As reported by Health & Fitness, the another or can say the different category of people we interviewed were of the opinion that drinking was actually not bad if it was done occasionally, such as during holidays or when going out to have dinner and having some good time with friends.
Overall, the mortality rate of cancer in the United States has been reduced by a third and as actually pointed out by the young report of the American Association for Cancer research. This can also be attributed to linked to reduced smoking prevalence in the general population. However, researchers realized adults below the age of 50 are getting cancer more often, and alcohol could be to blame.
‘The more alcoholic beverages consumed, the higher the risk of developing certain cancers,’ noted Lara Ray, Ph. D., an alcohol and addiction researcher at UCLA Addiction Labs. She argued that the trend of women consuming alcohol is ascending and it’s higher than in previous years.
Prior studies associate alcohol with six distinct cancers, namely breast, colon, liver, stomach, head and neck, and esophageal.
Ray said think of alcohol in the same degree we consider nicotine.
“If you discuss it with your medical doctor and tell them that you smoke: They will explain to you that there is no ‘healthy’ way of consuming tobacco and, likewise, no safe amount of alcohol can be drunk anymore based on the data we have today.”
Ray goes further and states that the current suggestion that women should take one drink and men two counts as moderation is also outdated.
“Maybe it should be something I think more about, seriously,” said Alexix Desfosses of Burbank. “But, you know, it’s quite entertaining to have a couple of beers with friends once in a while.”
They might want to think twice about some things that they used to do, and I’ll be one of those things I’ll eliminate from list in my life.”