United States: At the beginning of this month such findings were unveiled at the European Society for Cardiology conference where it was found that the appetite suppressing injection Semaglutide, that was originally prescribed for overeating, can extend life-span and slow aging.
As reported by the MailOnline, it is the latest addition to its list of achievements along with: ‘Obesity and Overweight’ – up to 20 percent weight loss, ‘Type II Diabetes’ and ‘Heart Failure’. Some research also points out that it can reduce risk of Alzheimer’s, ease arthritis and even prevent cancer.
Dr. David Weinkove, the chair of the British Society for Research on Ageing added that some of the scientists consider some products like semaglutide as having possibilities of approval in increasing life expectancy.
‘As for animals, we now do know the evidence say for decreasing their calorie intake, does increase there life expectancy,’ he says. And if you slow ageing, you slow the development of the other diseases They could…take it to live longer.
‘There’s definitely a case for those trials to be done,’ he adds.
However, it is not the only ordinary medication which can raise life expectancy, according to the same researchers.
Other drugs have also been demonstrated in various research to exhibit anti-aging effects that make the biological clock to slow down thus increasing lifespan.
It is now evident that the ageing is a biological process that involves several alterations in the body such as chronic inflammation, accumulation of mutations, DNA harm, and harm of the cellular batteries referred to as mitochondria that cease to work appropriately.
The concept is that if these processes can be prevented or say slowed then probably the diseases of old age cannot set in.
However, the good news is that a good number of the drugs are not only inexpensive, but readily available – while some of them are available only by prescription others can be bought without prescription.
These pills have been taken by almost 8 million people in the United Kingdoms to lower the cholesterol and prevent the heart attacks and the minor strokes.
Someone with the cholesterol and those also with a family history and of the heart disease or the people with a raised risk of the heart attack which may be advised to take t hem by their GP and also the things which have been raised as no question they extended life according by their GP.
And also, in the general studies have found that they add on between the six months to a year to the lives of the average person taking them and part of this is because they lower the amount of the harmful fat and known as the LDL and cholesterol, and which also circulates in the bloodstream and also accumulates in the arteries.
Also, this can lead to the cascade of the problems which also lead s to the heart disease and protect you from the memory loss thing which includes Alzheimer’s the latest research suggests.